Collection Bias
Open Access

Collection Bias

We have an emotional need to amass sets of related items

1 in 3 Americans collect, doing so to define their identity, keep fantasies alive, develop a sense of mastery or give their lives meaning (O’ Brian, 1981).

Belk, R. (1995). Collecting as luxury consumption: Effects on individuals and households. Journal of Economic Psychology.

The study


The problem

Potential impact

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Study graph



Study graph



Study graph



Study graph



Study graph

Jerome's Expert View

Key Takeaways


Almost anything can be collected, but to promote collectibility of your products, you should release them in identifiable sets (Carey, 2008). Use names, symbols or colors to connect products. Even subtle additions like a numbering system can turn a mere range of products into a collection.

Takeaway image

Self-identity is a primary motive for collecting (Smith et al., 2008), so creating distinction through scarcity (“I have this but you don’t”) is key to increasing consumer status.  Hold back or stop supply of certain items to create a secondary market. 

Takeaway image

Create a community to foster social value of your collection. This provides social acceptance - one of the core reasons people collect (McIntosh and Schmeichel, 2004). Social also heightens resell value.

Takeaway image

Release collectibles in waves over time (Bianchi, 1998). This will increase the overall enjoyment of the experience and increase the desire to collect. Never saturate the market with too many sets, variations within sets or too many limited editions (Hood, 2006). Overproduction will kill the magic and therefore consumers’ ongoing desire to collect. Don't make the pursuit too easy to achieve (Csikszentmihalyi, 1990), but also not so large a task as to be out of the reach of your audience (McIntosh and Schmeichel, 2004).

Takeaway image

Release collectibles in waves over time (Bianchi, 1998). This will increase the overall enjoyment of the experience and increase the desire to collect. Never saturate the market with too many sets, variations within sets or too many limited editions (Hood, 2006). Overproduction will kill the magic and therefore consumers’ ongoing desire to collect. Don't make the pursuit too easy to achieve (Csikszentmihalyi, 1990), but also not so large a task as to be out of the reach of your audience (McIntosh and Schmeichel, 2004).

Takeaway image

Boundary conditions

No items found.

Future questions

No items found.

Belk, R. (1995). Collecting as luxury consumption: Effects on individuals and households. Journal of Economic Psychology.

Collection Bias

Collection Bias

We have an emotional need to amass sets of related items

1 in 3 Americans collect, doing so to define their identity, keep fantasies alive, develop a sense of mastery or give their lives meaning (O’ Brian, 1981).

The study



study graph

Belk, R. (1995). Collecting as luxury consumption: Effects on individuals and households. Journal of Economic Psychology.

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We value things more when they’re in limited supply

Social Proof

Social Proof

We copy the behaviors of others, especially in unfamiliar situations

Prospect Theory

Prospect Theory

A loss hurts more than an equal gain feels good



We’re hardwired to return kindness received



We make very different decisions based on how a fact is presented

Loss Aversion

Loss Aversion

We feel more negative when losing something than positive when we get it



We constantly seek out ways to communicate our identity to others

Default Effect

Default Effect

We tend to accept the option pre-chosen for us



Our decisions are shaped by memories recalled from things just seen or heard



What we see first affects our judgement of everything thereafter

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Jerome Ribot

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Snack on these...

Open access, foundational Nuggets



We value things more when they’re in limited supply

Social Proof

Social Proof

We copy the behaviors of others, especially in unfamiliar situations

Prospect Theory

Prospect Theory

A loss hurts more than an equal gain feels good



We’re hardwired to return kindness received



We make very different decisions based on how a fact is presented

Loss Aversion

Loss Aversion

We feel more negative when losing something than positive when we get it



We constantly seek out ways to communicate our identity to others

Default Effect

Default Effect

We tend to accept the option pre-chosen for us



Our decisions are shaped by memories recalled from things just seen or heard



What we see first affects our judgement of everything thereafter

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