I created Coglode in 2014 to showcase new behavioural science research and help readers make better decisions.
Everything created is based on three principles
A state of deep work is crucial for ideas to flourish. Fewer meetings and less distraction means more time to think and for playful new associations to form.
Insights are gathered from industries as broad as art, gaming, architecture, food... There’s lots to be learned from unrelated domains that do something particularly well.
By doing less, the work can breathe, making it better. Craft has compounding benefits over time, but attention to detail is essential for magic to happen.
Over the last 10 years, I've created an ecosystem of behavioural products
I built this free tool to help designers integrate objective scientific evidence into their work.
This interactive tool was created to highlight real world problems and show how to use behavioural science concepts to solve them.
The objective of Recipes was to show, step by step, how different behavioural insights are combined to get compounding results.
Coglode Live was born to allow large groups to come together and dive deep into a particular behavioural concept.
Behavioural insights don’t exist in a vacuum, but interact with one another. I created Pairings to explore these relationships.
We learn behavioural science better when we see it in action, so I created Nuggets in the Wild to teach real world impact.
As a natural evolution beyond the cards, I designed and built a SaaS platform to connect behavioural insights and demonstrate how to use them to solve problems.
Nuggets Cards and digital Badges were redesigned to have better readability and consistency across physical and digital.
I initially created Coglode’s core training programme in response to a request from Spotify to skill their team up on the Nuggets. It's constantly evolved since and has a 9.6 NPS.
I rebuilt Nuggets from the ground up an indexed network of foundational concepts across 100s of research papers, including evidence, visual examples and relationships.
I created simple “Coglode Cards” of our most popular blog posts to use as an internal tool at my agency for behavioural design sprints.
I created the site in a hack-day to showcase behavioural science research, written clearly for a practical, applied audience.