Open Access


We constantly seek out ways to communicate our identity to others

Brands and their products act as extensions of ourselves, allowing us to express our values, characteristics or emotions to others.

Melumad, He, and Pham (2017). The pleasure of liking (disliking). Journal of Consumer Research.

The study


The problem

Potential impact

The study

The studies



274 people were shown 10 t-shirts, split into 4 groups and then asked to rate the shirts on either likeability, casualness, colorfulness or how much it matched with a cap. They were then asked how fun the task was.

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Those given the ability to express their like or dislike rated the task as much more fun than the other groups. Simply, we value ways to express how we feel.

Study graph


274 people were shown 10 t-shirts, split into 4 groups and then asked to rate the shirts on either likeability, casualness, colorfulness or how much it matched with a cap. They were then asked how fun the task was.


Those given the ability to express their like or dislike rated the task as much more fun than the other groups. Simply, we value ways to express how we feel.

Study graph



Study graph



Study graph



Study graph

Jerome's Expert View

Key Takeaways


Personalization pays.

Bold, scaleable self-expressive features increase loyalty and sales.

Coca-Cola’s #ShareaCoke campaign - switching out the product name for a person’s name - led to a 10% rise in 2014 sales and a 7% spike in Facebook growth.

An Australian store sold 400,000 customized jars of Nutella for $10 each, becoming their top seller.

Takeaway image

Tie it back to emotions.

Though there are successes like Kraft Heinz personalized soup “Get Well Soon ___”, with consumers happy to spend five times more, know that personalization has upper bounds on price and has less impact as it becomes more common.

Like Heinz, the smartest brands will tie personalization to underlying product emotions - care and sympathy in this case.

What emotions do you want end consumers to feel? Use personalization to help express these publicly.  

Takeaway image
Takeaway image
Takeaway image
Takeaway image

Boundary conditions

No items found.

Future questions

No items found.

Melumad, He, and Pham (2017). The pleasure of liking (disliking). Journal of Consumer Research.

Coglode Live

Coglode Live



We constantly seek out ways to communicate our identity to others

Brands and their products act as extensions of ourselves, allowing us to express our values, characteristics or emotions to others.

The study


274 people were shown 10 t-shirts, split into 4 groups and then asked to rate the shirts on either likeability, casualness, colorfulness or how much it matched with a cap. They were then asked how fun the task was.


Those given the ability to express their like or dislike rated the task as much more fun than the other groups. Simply, we value ways to express how we feel.

study graph

Melumad, He, and Pham (2017). The pleasure of liking (disliking). Journal of Consumer Research.

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Snack on these...

Open access, foundational Nuggets



We value things more when they’re in limited supply

Social Proof

Social Proof

We copy the behaviors of others, especially in unfamiliar situations

Prospect Theory

Prospect Theory

A loss hurts more than an equal gain feels good



We’re hardwired to return kindness received



We make very different decisions based on how a fact is presented

Loss Aversion

Loss Aversion

We feel more negative when losing something than positive when we get it



We constantly seek out ways to communicate our identity to others

Default Effect

Default Effect

We tend to accept the option pre-chosen for us



Our decisions are shaped by memories recalled from things just seen or heard



What we see first affects our judgement of everything thereafter

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Open access, foundational Nuggets



We value things more when they’re in limited supply

Social Proof

Social Proof

We copy the behaviors of others, especially in unfamiliar situations

Prospect Theory

Prospect Theory

A loss hurts more than an equal gain feels good



We’re hardwired to return kindness received



We make very different decisions based on how a fact is presented

Loss Aversion

Loss Aversion

We feel more negative when losing something than positive when we get it



We constantly seek out ways to communicate our identity to others

Default Effect

Default Effect

We tend to accept the option pre-chosen for us



Our decisions are shaped by memories recalled from things just seen or heard



What we see first affects our judgement of everything thereafter

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